Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

Charity does not decrease wealth, no one forgives another but that Allah increases his honor, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah but that Allah raises his status.”

Sahih Muslim 2588


Dear Burbank Sunday School Community,

Exciting news! In hope to spread our program and allow more students to benefit, the Burbank Islamic Sunday School is establishing a Sadaqa Jariah program to encourage and give the opportunity for more kids to join our Sunday School program. Parents can contribute any amount they want and it will go towards your kids tuition and to help other kids who can’t afford it. You can contribute Sadaqa Jariah by donating in the Sadaqa Jariah box or by credit card machine located inside masjid premise or Zelle to : info@Burbankcenter.org.

Every dollar you give towards Sadaqa Jariah multiplies its impact by 10 or multiple folds by Allah’s discretion.

Burbank Islamic Sunday School


Brothers: Sunday to Thursday after Maghrib Salah
Kids Group1: Sundays and Wednesdays @ 5:00 PM
Kids Group2: Mondays and Thursdays @ 5:00 PM
Sisters: Tuesdays @ 5:00 PM

Daily Prayer Times

February 6, 2025

٧ شَعْبَان ١٤٤٦

Zuhr Iqamah

1:15 pm

2 Hours 40 Minutes
Prayer Begins Iqamah
Fajr5:36 am 5:58 am
Sunrise6:46 am
Zuhr12:07 pm 1:15 pm
Asr3:50 pm 3:53 pm
Maghrib5:29 pm 5:39 pm
Isha6:39 pm 7:32 pm


Khutba (Sermon) at 1:15 PM
Iqamah (Prayer) at 1:45 PM

Notifications (Events)

Ramadan @May 16th

Daily Iftar @center

Eid ul Fitr

June 15th, Refreshments will be served

Eid Al Adha

Eid Al Adha 2021

Imam's Corner

Saturday Fiqeh Lecture Shaikh Monzir

Burbank Islamic Center

Fajr Lecture Shaikh Monzir

Friday Alkahf Recitation

Burbank Islamic Center 1

Friday Alkahf Recitation

Tuesday Fajier Hadith Shaikh Munzir

Posted by Burbank Islamic Center on Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Tuesday Fajier Hadith Shaikh Munzir

The saying fruitful were let for him all fruitful morning. Second may waters set was were there upon his he winged won’t itself there very first under season.


Muhammad Al-Bukhari

(d. 256 AH/870 AD)

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